如何停止浪費時間 by Joyce Meyer | 講道翻譯 #01-2


in this verses, Paul tells us 7 important things, in these 4 verses he tells us 7 important things.

在這段經文,保羅告訴我們 7 件重要的事情,在這四節經文裡她告訴我們 7 件重要的事:

Be careful about our time and choices.


Be an on purpose person. that means you don’t have to wait to feel like  doing what’s right, you just do what’s right because it’s right and because you believe that if you do what’s right now. you gonna to get a wonderful reward later on.


意思不代表你要等到感覺對了才做對的事,去做對的事就對了! 因為這事是對的、而且因為你相信如果你現在做了正確的事,你將會在未來得到美好的獎賞。

3.live a life worth living.

第三、 活出一個值得的生命

4. really think about what we’re choosing to do and make wise decisions


5.don’t let any opportunity pass you by


6.don’t be vague, thoughtless and foolish


7.know the will of God and firmly take a hold of it


our entrance into heaven is not purchased with our good work. we know that we can only have the hope of heaven because we believe in Jesus. However, the bible does plainly says that will be rewards for our works.


heaven is a free gift bought with the blood of Jesus. but what we’re doing with our life now, will be rewarded when we get to heaven. and I don’t know what all the amounts to… I don’t know what those rewards look like, I don’t know how it’s all worked out, apparently God doesn’t want us to know yet, because he hasn’t told us. but all I know is that God’s got a reward of any kind  I don’t want to miss it.

天國是耶穌用它的寶血買來給我們的免費禮物,但我們現在在世界上做的事,將在我們到天國時得到獎賞。我不清楚有多少"獎賞"….我也不知道這些獎賞長什麼樣子、也不知道這全部的事是如何運作的。很顯然 上帝還不想讓我們知道,因為他沒有告訴過我們,不過我知道我絕對不想錯過只要是上帝給的任何獎賞。

but the bible also says in first Corinthians that if the work we do are not pure works, then we will lose the rewards of them. and so just because you’re busy working, doesn’t means you’re working at what God want you to work, and I want to get the reward for the works that I have done. Where did all the time go? where did all the time go? we here all the time.my my…where did my all the time go? the thing is we should know where our time’s going. that’s the thing we should know what we’re doing with our time.

但聖經在歌林多前書也說到,如果我們做的不是純潔的工作,我們將會失去這些獎賞。所以就算你忙於工作,也不代表你做的工作是上帝要你做的。然後當我想要從我所做的工作裡獲得獎賞…我的那些工時都跑去哪裡了?我全部的時間都去哪裡了? 事情是這樣的,我們應該要知道我們的時間去哪了,要知道我們都把時間花在做什麼事情上面。

I think I mentioned this morning that one of the thing that I’ve been doing, especially since studying all the stuff, it provokes all of the projects and me, that I’m kind of enjoying. and that is to stop maybe…I don’t know,couple times a day. I do it for sure when I go to bed at night, and I did it this afternoon while I was get ready. and I just kind of thought through what I had done so far today. It helps you if you stop and think about what am I doing with the time that I have.what am I actually doing?


 otherwise sometime the day just go by in a blur and all we know at the end of day is we didn’t do what we set up to do, we’re not sure what we did but we know we were busy all day long and frustrated us. and how many of you feel like that a lot to be real honest, it’s like…we’ll see well, you say it’s all these distractions, well…instead blaming on the distractions, why don’t we take responsibility to not get distracted.


my time flies by. you know what, time lose at same pace that always did. so how fast it goes must have something with how we choose to live it.

我的時間飛逝,但你知道嗎? 時間消逝的速度一直都一樣,所以時間消逝的時間有多快一定和我們選擇如何使用它有關係。

so the first way to stop wasting your time is stop getting angry about things you can not do anything about. don’t let the devil steal your peace. keep your peace , so that you can keep your power. did you hear me? keep your peace so you can keep your power.



不要讓魔鬼偷走你的平安,留住你的平安,這樣你就可以留住你的力量。你有聽到我說的嗎? 留住你的平安便能夠留住你的力量。

second way that you can avoid wasting your time is stop complaining. so the total waste of time it’s one of the most useless thing that we can do, it change absolutely nothing. the more we talk about our problems , the bigger they seem to get, and more  frustrating and angry we get about them. spend the time you normally you spend complaining giving thanks and see what God does in your life.




3. don’t try to buy time by getting less sleep. because it’s what happens ,then you lose more time the next day, because your tired mentally and physically, so you make mistakes you wouldn’t have made if you would have gotten proper rest. I’m do that again.I mean honestly that’s true. if you get good rest and you will be sharp. tomorrow, you won’t make as many mistakes as you would. and every mistake we made cost our time, so the time you thought you were saving by not getting enough sleep, you end up wasting the next day. thank you.



4.stop hurrying, because that causes you to make mistake. how many times have I been hurrying and dropped something? how many times do we get in a hurry and we place something somewhere that we have to have before we leave, and because we are in a hurry, now we don’t know where we put it and we can’t find it? come on, I’m talking to somebody,amen. now we’re all mad because we can’t find our stuff. what did you to to my stuff? I’m having fun, I hope you are.


有多少時間我因為趕時間而掉了東西? 有多少時間因為趕時間,所以我們把我們在離開前需要的東西亂放在某個地方,然後因為我們在趕時間,最後我們不知道也找不到我們把那東西放哪?別這樣!我在對你們某些人說話,阿們嗎? 結果我們現在都很抓狂因為我們找不到我們的東西,你對我的東西做了什麼事?! 我覺得很有趣,希望你也這麼覺得。

5.stop craving things you don’t have while not enjoying what you do have.I want to slip to look at Ecclesiastes chapter 6 verse 9 before I make this point. a good way to waste your time is to spend your time craving things you don’t have while you don’t enjoy what you do have,and here is the scripture. better is the sight of the eyes, the enjoyment of what is available to one, than the craving of wondering desire. in other words, you’re so much better off to take the time to enjoy what you have than to keep trying to get something else that you don’t have. look what he says, this is vanity, emptiness,falsity, and fultility, it’s like striving after the wind and a feeding on it! the word vanity means useless, it’s useless. tell God what you want, if it’s right, he will give you the right time, and while you’re waiting on him to do it, enjoy what you’ve got and be thankful for it. that’s the only way to do it. otherwise, your whole life passes you by you’re never living today, hoping something that you don’t have.

5. 當你無法享受你現在所擁有的事物時,停止追求你沒有的。

在講這一點前,我想先跳到傳道書第6張第9節,浪費時間最好的方法就是當你無法享受你現在擁有的,還把時間花在追求你沒有的東西上。這段經文這麼寫眼睛看見的,勝過心中想妄的。也就是說,把時間花在享受你現在擁有的東西,比花在幻想得到某些你沒有的東西好太多了。看看它下一句怎麼說的,這是虛空,也是捕風。虛空的意思是沒有用處,這是沒用的! 告訴上帝你想要甚麼,如果是合神心意的,它會在對的時間把你所求的給你。而當你在等待他的作為發生,享受你現在有的並心懷感謝,這是唯一能做的事了。否則,你的生命會在你不活在當下、想著你沒有的東西的時候經過你。

6. stop living in the past. you can’ go back and redo anything, so let it go and get on with life. oh!this is a important one. if you want to waste your time, just living in the past. hanging on to the past , the waste of time you can’t go back and redo anything. so let it go and get on with life. come on, God is not finished with you yet. it’s never too late to begin again. and then, you know what Paul says one thing I do it is my one aspiration: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to  what lies ahead,(Phillip 3:13). some of you…this is serious business right now, you need to forget some stuff from the past. you need to stop talking about it, you need to stop thinking about it, you need to let it be dead to you, you need to go on.

6. 停止活在過去。你不能回到過去重做任何事,所以讓過去成為過去並跟上生命的腳步。

喔!這是很重要的一個,如果你想浪費時間,就盡情活在過去吧! 那些過去的時間你無法重來,所以讓他過去並好好過現在的生活。來吧,上帝還沒有放棄你,重頭開始永遠都不會嫌太遲。還有,你知道保羅怎麼說的嗎? 我只有一件事,就是忘記背後,努力前面的事。(腓立比書 3:13) 你們有些人….現在這是一件嚴肅的事,你必須忘記過去的某些東西,你必須停止談論起它,你必須停止思考關於那件事,你必須讓它在你心中死去,你需要繼續前進。

7.oh i like this one.take time to deal with little problem and you won’t have to spend more time dealing with big ones. correct your children while they’re young then you won’t have a rebellious nightmare teenager.ok.

7. 喔!我喜歡這一個。



8.locate the things that hijack your time and be firm in avoiding them, we only get one life! when you’re 90, you gonna look back and be proud of your life? are you gonna leave a legacy for somebody else? is somebody gonna miss you when you’re gone? is the world gonna miss you when you’re gone? I want to close with psalm 119:109. and this is the point I’m really trying to make. if you need to change, you’re the one that has to make it. I love what David said in the psalm, my life is continually in my hand, is that he said my life is in my hand! yet I do not forget your law. he says my life is in my hand, I can do my life whatever I want to, and here is what I gonna do, God, I’m not gonna forget your words, and he saying I’m not going to forget your word. he’s also indicating and inferring I will obey your word.

8. 釐清劫走你的時間的事情,堅定地避開它們,我們只能活一次!

當你90幾歲的時候,你會回顧你過去的人生並感到驕傲嗎? 你會留下遺產給某些人嗎? 或當你走了以後有人會思念你嗎? 你走了以後這世界會懷念你嗎? 我想來看詩篇119:109,這是我非常想做到的一點,如果你想改變,你是那個唯一能使自己改變的人。我愛大衛在詩篇裡說的話,我的生命常在危險之中(英譯:我的生命常在我手中)他說我的生命在我自己手中! 我卻不忘記你的律法他說我的生命在我手中,我能做任何我想做的事,但主啊,這是我想要做的,我不會忘記你的話語。保羅馬上說了,我不會忘記神你的話,他也表示和斷言我會順福你的話。

your life is in your hand, and you need to have same determination. I will, by the grace of God, obey your word and live the life that you want me to live. come om, give God a big praising.


the END.

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