如何停止浪費時間 by Joyce Meyer | 講道翻譯 #01-1

[ How do I stop wasting time? ]

[ 我要如何停止浪費時間? ]


welcome to the show today, here is where we tackle life’s big question , and we see what God’s words say about, to help you trough everyday things that really matter for instant.


do you feel like there’s just not enough time in your day to accomplish your goal? well, on this show Joyce is going to talk about somethings may be stealing your time  and the identity of those thieves will surprise you. here’s her answer to how do I stop wasting time.

你是否覺得每天的時間都不足以讓你完成你設下的目標? 這就是今天節目中 Joyce 要與我們分享的,某些事情也許正偷走你的時間,而認清這些時間小偷將會讓你感到訝異。接下來的內容將告訴你如何停止浪費時間。

tonight I want to talk to you about making the most of your time.


father , help us tonight, you speak to me, they don’t need to hear from me, they need to hear from you.and I thank you for your anointing. I thank you that the people’s lives  are going to be impacted, and they are going to use their time more wise than never before. in Jesus’s name, Amen.


okay, time is something we all have the exact amount of. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That’s all you gonna to get. Isn’t it amazing that some people do so much with their life , and other people do so pitifully little with their life? We can’t blame it on circumstancese. we are the one who needs to rise up and begin to live the life on purpose that God’s want us to live. and stop just blaming everything that’s going on around us from how we were raise to the government to this to that to something else.

好的。時間是一種每個人都有相同數量的東西。一天24小時、一週7天,這就是你能得到的時間。但是不是很神奇,有些人能在一生中完成許多大事,有些人一生成就的事卻少得可憐。我們不能把這些結果怪罪環境,我們應該要振作並且開始活出 神想要我們活出、有目的的生命,停止抱怨我們的生長背景、政府問題、這個那個所有我們周遭你不滿意的事。

time is too valuable to waste , and if you don’t believe that now you just wait till you get somewhere up in the 60s, in the 70s, and see if you don’t think that time is valuable. I never even thought much about this until the day i had to go sign up the medicare. I’m telling you that’s like, I was like, medicare! I am old enough to be on medicare! It just, I don’t know, it just like… this thing…you know. and every year you get a year older. and the older you get the faster those years go by.

時間實在太寶貴了,以至於不能浪費。如果你不相信的話,你可以等到六、七十歲以後再來看看你是不是還覺得時間不寶貴。我從來沒認真想過這件事,直到有天我必須去辦理醫療保險。我跟你說,那感覺就像…我的表情就像…醫療保險!?我已經老到可以用醫療保險了! 這…我不知道..這就像…這件事…你知道的,每過一年你就變老一歲,當你越老時間就會過得越快。

now, I know if you’re 20 you’re like, well it just doesn’t relates to me at all. well, honey, please listen to me you are not gonna be 20 forever, and you will be 40 before you know it, and those you that are 40 will be 50 before you know it. and the thing is, if you live your life smart now, you can have a great future. but if you waste your time now, you know what you gonna end up with? nothing but regrets. And I think regret is a terrible terrible thing.

現在,我懂如果你現在才20歲,你可能會覺得…喔,這事跟我一點關係都沒有。那麼,親愛的,請你聽我說,你不會永遠都是20歲,你會在你發現前就變成40歲,那些40歲的人你們也會在發現前就變成50歲。如果從現在起,你過著聰明的生活,在未來便能擁有美好的日子。但如果現在你浪費你的時間,你知道以後會變成怎樣嗎? 一事無成,只有後悔。我認為後悔是件非常非常恐怖的事。

if like you’re sad and regret something that you can’t go back and fix. you can’t go back and do anything about it. That’s why we need to  do the right thing when we have the opportunity to do the right thing.


time is just too valuable to waste.


I wonder how many people at the end of life that they feel they truly lived the life that were meant to live or wanted to live.


I was talked to somebody the other day, and he said you know the biggest majority of people go off to work every day at a job they can’t stand. and you know… you know why most of them do it? Money. Just money.

有天我和一個人聊天,他說,你知道嗎?大部分的人每天都出門去做他們無法忍受的工作,你知道為什麼他們這麼做嗎? 錢,就只為了錢。

you know we need little more courage, we need to find what God want us to do. and we need to not be satisfied just to live our life doing something that we hate. but let God help you find a way to do what you really love.


I love what I’m doing.  I did a lot of things before I got here but I love what I’m doing. and when you love your work you don’t even… I mean, yeah,you know you’re working, but it’s like sometime I can’t tell the difference when I’m working and when I’m not. because I don’t really feel like this is my work, it’s my life.it’s my life.

我愛我現在做的事! 雖然在這之前我做了很多其他的事,但我愛我現在做的事。當你愛你的工作時,你甚至…我的意思事,你知道你在工作,但這感覺像是我分不出來我在工作和不在工作的差別,因為我並不覺得這是我的"工作",而是我的"生活"。

and you say why i wish i had a job that i love while you’re not going to getting wishing.come on, with your gun go back to the same gate all the time. I wish ,I wish, I wish, that’s what we have to stop. we can’t wish, we got to take action. we got to start praying and start believing God, and start stepping out, and start making plans. if there’s something you really wanna do that you’re not qualify to do now. then while you’re doing what you’re doing. start getting some education to do what you really want to do later on.

那你會說,我希望我能有個我熱愛的工作,但我的願望一直沒有實現。拜託,你每天都做同樣的事,我希望、我希望、我希望…這是我們該停止說的話,我們不能一直"希望",我們要做出行動,我們要開始向 神禱告並相信他、開始前進,開始訂定計畫。如果有閒你非常想做,但現在還沒有能力做的事,那就當你在做現在做的事的同時,開始去報名一些關於你以後想做的事的課程。

God can do so many great things trough us. if we would take steps of faith. if you don’t like the way your life is going, and  I’m sure some of you don’t, and certainly many people watching TV right now, maybe you just think you accidentally turned this program on. you just stop to see what I think I’m doing or something.


IF YOU DON’T LIKE your life , you’re the only one that can change it. now obviously, we trust God to change our life, but God does things trough us. he doesn’t just do things in spite of us. we ‘re not going  to sit around and be lazy while God does everything  for us.

如果你不喜歡你的生活,你是那個唯一能改變它的人。很顯然地,我們都希望上帝來改變我們的生活,但 上帝是透過我們來做事,它不會自己做自己的事不管我們,我們不會在上帝為我們做所有事的時候就只坐在旁邊耍懶。

you know there is a scripture that i think we don’t really see the fullness of and it’s Ephesians 3:20. for God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all  that we could ever dare to hope ask or thing . and boy,  people love that scripture, but the rest of it says according to his power that worketh in us. come on, according to his power that worketh in us. and so God is able to do great things, but only as we let his power work through us.

這裡有一段經文,我認為我們並沒有真正完全讀懂,以弗所書 3:20,上帝的能力運行在我們裡面,能夠豐豐富富的成就依竊,超過我們所求所想的。各位,人們很喜歡這結經文,但注意,它說 上帝的能力運行在我們裡面,來,上帝的能力運行在我們裡面,上帝之所以能做出偉大的事情,原因唯有我們讓他的大能透過我們行出來。

it’s not about God just doing everything for you, he wants to do things through you. I keep saying all the time, we are participators with God, we can’t just sit around and spectate, we have to start participating and let God do some great thing in our life, Amen?


now, one of the things has a lot to do with what’s going to happen in your future is your words. so while we’re talking about waste, let me just stop a minutes and say stop wasting your words. stop just saying dump stuff that not helping you anybody else, matter of fact could be really hurting you.


proverbs 18:21 says the power of life and death is in the tongue. and then when it comes to talking about prudence, proverbs 10:19 says in the multitude of words transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his life is lips is prudent. he restrains his lips is a prudent person, good manager.

箴言 18:21 寫到,生死在舌頭的權下。另外,說到智慧,箴言 10:19 說,多言多與難免有過,禁止嘴唇是有智慧。約束自己嘴唇的人是有智慧的人、好的管理者。

proverbs 12:16 says a fool’s wrath is quickly and openly known, but a prudent man ignores an insult. how much time do we waste in our life being angry about something that somebody said to us. and so now we’re letting them steal our time and control our joy. when really we could have made the choice to just turn away from their dumbness and stay smart in our own life, amen? don’t waste any more time being angry. do not waste another day of your life being angry about something  that you can not do  anything about.

箴言 12:16 說,愚妄人的惱怒立時顯露,通達人能忍受藏羞。有多少時間我們把生命浪費在對某人講我們的某些事生氣,而讓他們偷走我們的時間和控制我們的喜樂? 事實上我們可以選擇轉身離開他們的愚拙並在我們自己的生活中保持智慧,阿們嗎? 別再浪費任何時間在生氣,別再浪費某天在對某件你無法做任何事來改變的事情生氣。

and I love this one, proverbs 31:16. now proverbs 31 is about this awesome women you know that does everything right. I used to really not like her, I mean I couldn’t hardly read proverbs 31, because I was so far from that every verse just put me under condemnation. I get along a lot better with her now after 40 years in the word.

我喜歡這段,箴言 31:16。箴言 第31章是在講關於一位厲害的女人,你知道的,她把每件事都做對。以前的我實在非常不像她,我幾乎不會去讀箴言 31章,因為我跟那女人的行為相差很遠,導致每段經節都會讓我陷入控告的聲音中。不過40年過後,我現在在這些經文中跟她相處好很多了。

proverbs 31:16 , this smart woman, she considers a new field before she buys or accepts it expanding prudently. in other word,, that means she doesn’t just take on something new without seriously considering if she really can fit it into her life and still have peace.

箴言 31:16,這位聰明的女人,在她買下或接受這塊新的土地前,她會有智慧地考慮,也就是說,她不會在沒有慎重考慮這東西適不適合她的生命、買了心裡是否依舊平安的情況下,就隨便做決定。

what have you said yes to lately on the spur of the moment that you’ve been wishing even seems should not say yes to? anybody here done that recently? yeah well…be more prudent. she considers a new field before she buys or accepts it expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties. I love this.

最近你有沒有不假思索就對某個你想要很久的東西說"yes",就算那是本來不該贊同的東西? 在做的任何人有做過這樣的事嗎? 沒錯…成為更有智慧的人。那女人會再買新土地前用智慧考慮,而且不會在假設將負責新的責任時,忽略她現在應該做的責任

some people are so stinking busy. they don’t need time to talk to their kids!they’re so busy, some people are so busy of making money. but by the time they are ready to die, all they’re going to have is a bank account. can I tell you when you’re on your deathbed you’re not going to ask to see your bank balance, you gonna want your family. and so now is the time to be spending time with them. and not doing so many foolish things that you don’t even have time to do the things that are really important. thank for your excitement.

有些人極度的忙碌,忙到他們覺得不需要撥出時間和他們的孩子聊天! 他們很忙,有些人忙著賺錢,但到他們快死的時候,他們全部湧右的就只剩銀行帳戶。我可以告訴你,當你躺在病床上乎最後幾口氣時,你不會想要去看你的帳戶餘額,你會想要你的家人在身邊。所以現在是時候花時間跟你的家人相處,不要在你甚至沒有時間做真正重要事情的時候去做一些愚蠢沒意義的事。謝謝你們那麼興奮。

and I love the rest of this, with her savings of time and strength she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard. here’s a lady who had some wisdom, why? because she uses prudence, she didn’t waste time. she used time to her benefit.

我喜歡這經節剩下的句子,她用她有的時間與精力,在她田裡種下多結果子的枝子。這是一個充滿智慧的女士,為什麼? 因為她善用智慧、沒有浪費時間,她把時間用在未來的好事上。

Ephesians 5:14-17 , therefore he says, awake, o sleeper, and arise from the dead. I love that. so many walking dead in the world today. and Christ shall shine make day dawn upon you and give you light. look carefully. you know we said what carefully means, it means to walk circumspectly, which means to walk as if you’re in  a dangerous place, looking all around you to make sure you don’t get hurt. look carefully then how you walk! live purposefully and worthily and accurately,  not as the unwise and witless, but as wise(sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of your time,just like what we’re talking about tonight. making the very most of your time buying up each opportunity, because the days in which we are living are evil. therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasp, or you might say seize, what the will of the Lord is.

以弗所書 5:14-17你們這睡著的人當醒過來!從死裡復活。我喜歡這句,現在世界有很多活死人在我們身邊。基督就要光照你了。你們要謹慎…你知道我們說"謹慎"的意思是小心仔細的行,就像是如果你走在一個危險的地方,你會隨時觀察四周以確保你不會受傷。你們要謹慎行事,不要像無愚眛人,要像智慧的人,要愛惜光陰,因為現今的世代險惡。不要做糊塗人,要明白主的旨意如何。

they decisive, some of you have been between two places for so long. it’s pitiful. make a decision, make up your mind to something and start going in some direction. well, what if I’m wrong? well, the only way you’re going to find out is to head some place, and if you are wrong, then you can turn around and go the other direction which probably will be right.

他們是能做決定的,你們有些人在兩個處境中間猶豫太久,這很可惜,做好決定!下定決心開始朝某個方向走、做事。但如果我選錯方向了呢? 嗯,發現你人生正確方向的唯一方法就是朝某一個地方前進,如果你發現不是這條路,那你才能回頭換個新的、有可能是對的方向。

to be continue…


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